Friday, December 25, 2009

O Kitty Boy, blessed is he

light shine from thy glowing eyes, reflecting infinite energy and wisdom.


I love kitty boy. I basically worship him, as does the rest of my family. About 4 years ago, when my little sister was mom told her she could have a pet for her b-day. My family went to Petsmart (or something like that) to adopt a kitten, and there was the most vocal, exuberant jet-black cat we had ever met, that consistantly meowed directly to us for our attention. My mom, concerned that my sister might decide too quickly, tried to show her the other kittens and the ones with big, pretty eyes and colorful fur. Despite the other adorable kittens my sister had seen-she had chosen the black kitten, and only him. On the way home, she had decided to name him "Kitty Boy". For such a simple name, you wouldn't expect it to belong to quite an odd and special cat. He's the type that falls asleep with all four paws in the air. The type that nudges open the door and finds a way into the pantry when he's hungry. You can pick him up, kiss him on the head, and get a Harley purr in response. Anyway, here. You may experience his awesome.

(I'm sure you have a likewise awesome pet of your own, or you might have clicked the [back] button after the first sentence ^_^)

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